Finger Man
Finger Man
Raymond Chandler
ARGUABLY THE GREATEST mystery writer of the twentieth century, Raymond Chandler (1888‐1959)
brought a literary sensibility to that least likely of places—pulp magazines. Pulps were very clearly and specifically designed to be fast, cheap, action‐filled entertainment for the masses. No literary aspirations or pretensions were welcomed by the hard‐working editors of even the best of them, notably Black Mask and Dime Detective. Still, Dashiell Hammett brought important realism to his pulp stories, and Chandler elevated the form even further.
Philip Marlowe, the hero of all seven of Chandler’s novels, appears in this printing of “Finger Man,” a novella filled with bad guys and corruption. When the story was first published in the October 1934 issue of Black Mask, the first‐person narrator was unnamed. For its first book appearance, the anonymous shamus in “Finger Man” was given the Marlowe name, as Chandler had become the “hottest” mystery writer in America because of his Marlowe novels. The majority of Chandler’s short fiction was collected in three paperback originals published by Avon in its
“Murder Mystery Monthly” series, 5 Murderers (1944), Five Sinister Characters (1945), and Finger Man (1946), and his detectives, whether named Carmody, Dalmas, Malvern, Mallory, or unnamed, were transformed into Marlowe. As the detectives evolved from the earliest experiments to the more complex and nuanced hero he envisioned and later compared to a modern‐day knight, the adventures became classics of the American crime story.
He looked towards one of the windows.
“How well do you know Frank Dorr?” he asked,
with his eyes away from me.
GOT AWAY from the Grand Jury
a little after four, and then
“I know he’s a big politico, a fixer you
sneaked up the backstairs to have to see if you want to open a gambling hell
office. or a bawdy house—or if you want to sell honest
Fenweather, the D.A., was a merchandise to the city.”
man with severe, chiseled
features and the gray temples women love. He
“Right.” Fenweather spoke sharply, and
played with a pen on his desk and said: “I think brought his head around towards me. Then he
they believed you. They might even indict lowered his voice. “Having the goods on Tinnen Manny Tinnen for the Shannon kill this was a surprise to a lot of people. If Frank Dorr afternoon. If they do, then is the time you begin had an interest in getting rid of Shannon who to watch your step.”
was the head of the Board where Dorr’s
supposed to get his contracts, it’s close enough
I rolled a cigarette around in my fingers to make him take chances. And I’m told he and and finally put it in my mouth. “Don’t put any Manny Tinnen had dealings. I’d sort of keep an men on me, Mr. Fenweather. I know the alleys eye on him, if I were you.”
in this town pretty well, and your men couldn’t
stay close enough to do me any good.”
I grinned. “I’m just one guy,” I said.
“Frank Dorr covers a lot of territory. But I’ll do
There was nothing there but an old red
what I can.”
davenport, two odd chairs, a bit of carpet, and a
library table with a few old magazines on it. The
Fenweather stood up and held his hand
reception room was left open for visitors to
across the desk. He said: “I’ll be out of town for
come in and sit down and wait—if I had any
a couple of days, I’m leaving tonight, if this
visitors and they felt like waiting.
indictment comes through. Be careful—and if
anything should happen to go wrong, see Bernie
I went across and unlocked the door into
Ohls, my chief investigator.”
my private office, lettered “Philip Marlowe. . .
I said: “Sure.”
Lou Harger was sitting on a wooden
We shook hands and I went out past a
chair on the side of the desk away from the
tired‐looking girl who gave me a tired smile and
window. He had bright yellow gloves clamped
wound one of her lax curls up on the back of her
on the crook of a cane, a green snap‐brim hat
neck as she looked at me. I got back to my office
set too far back on his head. Very smooth black
soon after four‐thirty. I stopped outside the
hair showed under the hat and grew too low on
door of the little reception room for a moment,
the nape of his neck.
looking at it. Then I opened it and went in, and
of course there wasn’t anybody there.
“Hello. I’ve been waiting,” he said, and
smiled languidly.
I said: “What kind of play?”
“ ‘Lo, Lou. How did you get in here?”
He got a cigarette halfway out and
”The door must have been unlocked. Or
stared down at it. There was a little something
maybe I had a key that fitted. Do you mind?”
in his manner I didn’t like.
I went around the desk and sat down in
“I’ve been closed up for a month now. I
the swivel chair. I put my hat down on the desk, wasn’t makin’ the kind of money it takes to stay picked up a bulldog pipe out of an ash tray and open in this town. The Headquarters boys have began to fill it up.
been putting the pressure on since repeal. They
have bad dreams when they see themselves
“It’s all right as long as it’s you,” I said. “I
trying to live on their pay.”
just thought I had a better lock.”
I said: “It doesn’t cost any more to
He smiled with his full red lips. He was a operate here than anywhere else. And here you
very good‐looking boy. He said: “Are you still pay it all to one organization. That’s doing business, or will you spend the next something.”
month in a hotel room drinking liquor with a
couple of Headquarters boys?”
Lou Harger jabbed the cigarette in his
mouth. “Yeah—Frank Dorr,” he snarled. “That
“I’m still doing business—if there’s any
fat, bloodsuckin’ sonofabitch!”
business for me to do.”
I didn’t say anything. I was way past the
I lit a pipe, leaned back and stared at his age when it’s fun to swear at people you can’t
clear olive skin, straight, dark eyebrows.
hurt. I watched Lou light his cigarette with my
desk lighter. He went on, through a puff of
He put his cane on top of the desk and smoke: “It’s a laugh, in a way. Canales bought a clasped his yellow gloves on the glass. He new wheel—from some grafters in the sheriff’s moved his lips in and out.
office. I know Pina, Canales’ head croupier,
pretty well. The wheel is one they took away
“I have a little something for you. Not a
from me. It’s got bugs—and I know the bugs.”
hell of a lot. But there’s carfare in it.”
“And Canales don’t… That sounds just
I waited.
like Canales,” I said.
“I’m making a little play at Las Olindas
Lou didn’t look at me. “He gets a nice
tonight,” he said. “At Cana
les’ place.”
crowd down there,” he said. “He has a small
dance floor and a five‐piece Mexican band to
“The white smoke?”
help the customers relax. They dance a bit and
then go back for another trimming, instead of
“Uh‐huh. I think I’m going to be lucky—
going away disgusted.”
and I’d like to have a guy with a rod.”
I said:”What do you do?”
I took a fresh pack of cigarettes out of a
top drawer and slid them across the desk. Lou
“I guess you might call it a system,” he
picked them up and began to break the pack said softly, and looked at me under his long open.
I looked away from him, looked around
I smiled a little more and watched his
the room. It had a rust‐red carpet, five green yellow gloves moving around on top of the desk, filing cases in a row under an advertising moving too much. I said slowly: “You’re the last calendar, an old costumer in the corner, a few guy in the world to be getting expense money walnut chairs, net curtains over the windows. that way just now. I’m the last guy to be The fringe of the curtains was dirty from standing behind you while you do it. That’s all.”
blowing about in the draft. There was a bar of
late sunlight across my desk and it showed up
Lou said: “Yeah.” He knocked some ash
the dust.
off his cigarette down on the glass top, bent his
head to blow it off. He went on, as if it was a
“I get it like this,” I said. “You think you
new subject: “Miss Glenn is going with me.
have that roulette wheel tamed and you expect She’s a tall redhead, a swell looker. She used to to win enough money so that Canales will be model. She’s nice to people in any kind of a spot mad at you. You’d like to have some protection and she’ll keep Canales from breathing on my along— me. I think it’s screwy.”
neck. So we’ll make out. I just thought I’d tell
“It’s not screwy at all,” Lou said. “Any
roulette wheel has a tendency to work in a
I was silent for a minute, then I said:
certain rhythm. If you know the wheel very well “You know damn well I just got through telling indeed—”
the Grand Jury it was Manny Tinnen I saw lean
out of that car and cut the ropes on Art
I smiled and shrugged. “Okey, I wouldn’t Shannon’s wrists after they pushed him on the
know about that. I don’t know enough roulette. roadway, filled with lead.”
It sounds to me like you’re being a sucker for
your own racket, but I could be wrong. And
Lou smiled faintly at me. “That’ll make it
that’s not the point anyway.”
easier for the grafters on the big time; the
fellows who take the contracts and don’t
“What is?” Lou asked thinly.
appear in the business. They say Shannon was
square and kept the Board in line. It was a nasty
“I’m not much stuck on bodyguarding—
but maybe that’s not the point either. I take it
I’m supposed to think this play is on the level.
I shook my head. I didn’t want to talk
Suppose I don’t, and walk out on you, and you about that. I said: “Canales has a noseful of junk get in a box? Or suppose I think everything is a lot of the time. And maybe he doesn’t go for aces, but Canales don’t agree with me and gets redheads.”
Lou stood up slowly and lifted his cane
“That’s why I need a guy with a rod,”
off the desk. He stared at the tip of one yellow
Lou said, without moving a muscle except to finger. He had an almost sleepy expression.
Then he moved towards the door, swinging his
I said evenly: “If I’m tough enough for
the job—and I didn’t know I was—that still isn’t
“Well, I’ll be seein’ you some time,” he
what worries me.”
“Forget it,” Lou said. “It breaks me up
I let him get his hand on the knob before
enough to know you’re worried.”
I said: “Don’t go away sore, Lou. I’ll drop down
to Las Olindas, if you have to have me. But I
don’t want any money for it, and for Pete’s sake
It was a good crowd for a Tuesday but
don’t pay any more attention to me than you nobody was dancing. Around ten o’clock the have to.”
little five‐piece band got tired of messing
around with a rhumba that nobody was paying
He licked his lips softly and didn’t quite any attention to. The marimba player dropped look at me. “Thanks, keed. I’ll be careful as his sticks and reached under his chair for a glass.
The rest of the boys lit cigarettes and sat there
looking bored.
He went out then and his yellow glove
disappeared around the edge of the door.
I leaned sidewise against the bar, which
was on the same side of the room as the
I sat still for about five minutes and then orchestra stand. I was turning a small glass of my pipe got too hot. I put it down, looked at my tequila around on the top of the bar. All the strap watch, and got up to switch on a small business was at the center one of the three radio in the corner beyond the end of the desk. roulette tables.
When the A.C. hum died down the last tinkle of
a chime came out of the horn, then a voice was
The bartender leaned beside me, on his
saying: “KLI now brings you its regular early side of the bar.
evening broadcast of local news releases. An
event of importance this afternoon was the
“The flame‐top gal must be pickin’
indictment returned late today against Maynard them,” he said.
J. Tinnen by the Grand Jury. Tinnen is a well‐
known City Hall lobbyist and man about town.
I nodded without looking at him. “She’s
The indictment, a shock to his many friends, was playing with fistfuls now,” I said. “Not even based almost entirely on the testimony—”
counting it.”
My telephone rang sharply and a girl’s
The red‐haired girl was tall. I could see
cool voice said in my ear: “One moment, please. the burnished copper of her hair between the Mr. Fenweather is calling you.”
heads of the people behind her. I could see Lou
Harger’s sleek head beside hers. Everybody
He came on at once. “Indictment seemed to be playing standing up.
returned. Take care of the boy.”
“You don’t play?” the bartender asked
I said I was just getting it over the radio. me.
We talked a short moment and then he hung
up, after saying he had to leave at once to catch
“Not on Tuesdays. I had some trouble on
a plane.
a Tuesday once.”
I leaned back in my chair again and
“Yeah? Do you like that stuff straight, or
listened to the radio without exactly hearing it. I could I smooth it out for you?”
was thinking what a damn fool Lou Harger was
and that there wasn’t anything I could do to
“Smooth it out with what?” I said. “You
change that.
got a wood rasp handy?”
He grinned. I drank a little more of the
tequila and made a face.
“Did anybody invent this stuff on
The croupier in charge smiled a cold,
even smile. He was tall, dark, disinterested:
“The table can’t cover your bet,” he said with
“I wouldn’t know, mister.”
calm precision. “Mr. Canales, perhaps—” He
shrugged neat shoulders.
“What’s the limit over there?”
The girl said: “It’s your money,
“I wouldn’t know that either. How the
highpockets. Don’t you want it back?”
boss feels, I guess.”
Lou Harger licked his lips beside her, put
The roulette tables were in a row near a hand on her arm, stared at the pile of money
the far wall. A low railing of gilt metal joined with hot eyes. He said gently: “Wait for their ends and the players were outside the Canales…”
“To hell with Canales! I’m hot—and I
Some kind of a confused wrangle started want to stay that way”
at the center table. Half a dozen people at the
two end tables grabbed their chips up and
A door opened at the end of the tables
moved across.